About Top Hat File and Serve

Your friendly staff at Top Hat File and Serve!
Fawn Spacke and Scotti Richardson. Not pictured, Kelsi Richardson.
Top Hat File and Serve, Inc. has been providing professional legal support services throughout the state of Colorado for 25+ years. We have over 350 years of combined legal experience. Top Hat is capable of handling all phases of the litigation process from getting your prepared documents issued at court, filing of court documents, electronic filing of cases and documents utilizing Lexis/Nexis and ICCES and more.
Our corporate offices are located in Aurora, Colorado and our forte is providing legal support services for the Front Range including, but not limited to, Adams, Arapahoe Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, El Paso, Larimer and Weld counties. Top Hat provides professional legal support services for the entire state of Colorado, including
- All Municipal Courts
- All Small Claims Courts
- All County Courts
- All District Courts
- All Appellate Courts
- All Federal Courts
- All parties in Litigation
- Attorneys
- Creditors
- Collection Agencies
- Landlords
Top Hat is the industry leader in speed and accuracy. By using our integrated network and state of the art technology, we are able to produce affidavits and returns of service which fit the exacting and ever changing statutory criteria required for all jurisdictions in Colorado. We receive and transmit your documents electronically in a format acceptable by the County, District and Appellate courts. The use of sophisticated technology allows us to minimize the use of paper and other environmentally destructive products making us the greenest process serving company in Colorado.
Our statewide network of process servers allows us to accept any document for service in Colorado. The idea of a “one stop shop” is nothing new. However we are unique in the industry in that we have applied this business concept to the legal service industry.
Each document is monitored from receipt until service to insure due diligence by our experienced servers is maintained and that service is achieved in accordance with ever changing Colorado statutes. Prompt and accurate service of process is only part of our duty to clients. Production and delivery of a return of service with speed and accuracy is our ultimate goal.
Top Hat File and Serve is a proud sponsor of the following organizations
- Littleton Firefighters Foundation
- Lotus School for Excellence
- Rangeview High School Girls Varsity Swim Team
- The Luca Carabello Fund
- Cub Scouts of America Pack #735
- Denver Jaycees
- Denver Police Brotherhood